A Celebration of Mushroom & Tea
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Teas Used
Mushroom Broth
- 500g Mushrooms, chopped
- Splash of Oil
- 4 Onions, chopped
- ½ stalk of Celery, chopped
- 3 sprigs of Thyme
- Water, as needed
- Dilmah’s Ceylon Tea
- Salt to taste
- 1 Lime
- Xatana Powder
King Mushroom Crisps
- 1 King Mushroom
- Dashi Vinegar, as needed
Baked King Mushrooms
- 5 King Mushrooms
- Oil
- Salt to taste
- 100ml Mushroom Broth
Ceylon Gyoza Filling
- 1 King Mushroom, trimmed and chopped
- Oil
- Salt to taste
- 200ml Mushroom Broth
- 4 leaves of Wild Garlic, finely chopped
- Zest of 3 Kumquats
- 1 tbsp Dilmah Ceylon Young Hyson, finely chopped
Ceylon Oil
- 250ml Oil
- 2 tbsp of Dilmah Ceylon Young Hyson
Gyoza Dough
- 250g Four
- 2g Salt
- 140g Lukewarm Water
- Corn Starch, as needed
- Prepared Ceylon Gyoza Mushroom Filling
- Water, as needed
- Baby Mushrooms
- True Morels
- Salt to Taste
- A knob of Butter
- Oil
- Remaining Mushroom Broth
- Baked Mushrooms
- King Mushroom Crisps
- 1 Kumquat, sliced thinly
- Watercress Tops for garnishing
- Ceylon Tea Oil
Methods and Directions
Mushroom Broth
- Heat up a baking pan, add a splash of oil and bake the mushrooms until golden brown.
- Add the onion and celery into a pan along with the baked mushrooms and three springs of thyme, and then cover it completely with water. Let simmer for 2 hours.
- Now take the pan off the heat and add the Ceylon tea. Let this marinade for five minutes and then pour it through a sieve.
- Use a ladle to press all the liquid out so you don’t waste anything.
- Next, slice a lime in half and add the juice to the prepared broth and season with salt. Save half the broth for later and bind the remainder with Xatana powder.
King Mushroom Crisps
- Cut the end of a king mushroom and slice it on a mandolin.
- Now, place them on a silicon sheet and brush the tops with some Dashi vinegar.
- Then, lay another sheet on top, and bake at 140 degrees Celsius for around 15 minutes
- Take them out of the oven and let cool completely.
Baked King Mushrooms
- Slice the sides of the king mushrooms and halve them.
- Now, create a diamond pattern on the flesh and then cut it in half.
- Next, season them with salt and bake them in some oil, till golden brown on both sides.
- Once golden, add the prepared mushrooms broth and let it reduce.
Ceylon Gyoza Filling
- Heat an oven-proof pan and bake the mushrooms in some oil and salt till golden brown.
- Afterwards, cook it on a stove with the prepared mushroom broth and reduce it.
- Next, add the garlic leaves and Kumquats zest into it along with the Ceylon tea.
- Mix everything well and take off heat. Now, transfer the filling into a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let cool completely in your fridge.
Ceylon Oil
- Pour the oil into a blender, together with the Ceylon tea.
- Blender this for approx. 10 minutes and pour into a sieve layered with kitchen paper.
Gyoza Dough
- Transfer flour and salt onto a worktop and make a big hole in the middle.
- Next, pour the lukewarm water into the center and start mixing it slowly with your fingers until it comes together.
- Knead the dough until it is soft and smooth, cover with plastic wrap and let rest for approx. 30 minutes.
- Now, dust your worktop with corn starch and put your dough on top. Then divide it into pieces of 12 grams.
- Next, roll them into individual balls and use a rolling pin to flatten them out. Trim uneven edges using a round pastry cutter/cookie cutter.
- Finally, brush a small layer of water on top and pipe the mushroom filling into the middle.
- Press the edges together and carefully fold it. Do this on both sides.
Assembling And Garnishing
- Bake baby mushrooms in a hot pan until golden and, once golden, add the morels. Season with salt and bake for two more minutes.
- Now, add a knob of butter to it and bake it for another two minutes.
- Next, heat up a baking-proof pan and bake the gyozas golden brown in a small layer of oil.
- Turn the gyozas upside down and add the remaining mushroom broth. Then put a lid on the pan and let the gyozas steam for 2-3 minutes.
- Finally place the gyozas in a deep plate together with the baked mushrooms, thinly sliced kumquats, some water cress tops and the king mushroom crisp.
- Serve with the remaining mushroom broth and the Ceylon tea oil.
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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2025 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From teainspired.com/dilmah-recipes 11/02/2025
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