Frosty White Chocolate Chai
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Robert Schinkel
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Webinar Christmas Recipes
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- Glass Type
Wine Glass
- 300ml Dilmah Breakfast Tea (5 min. brew)
- 100 ml Full cream milk
- 40 g white chocolate
- Spice combination: Pinch of vanilla (or a few drops of vanilla extract), Pinch of dried ground cardamom & cinnamon
- Lemon zest
- Cover the bottom of the outside of the glass with food glue/honey/syrup to make it sticky
- Sprinkle sugar over the glass to give it a frosty look
Methods and Directions
- Add the cardamom to the tea in the teapot
- Brew the tea for at least 5 minutes at 95°C
- Warm up the milk in a pan or microwave
- Chop up the white chocolate and dissolve it in the hot milk, add the vanilla
- Add the milk to the tea and air the mixture in chai mugs or whisk it in a saucepan
- Pour into the glass
- Garnish with a zest of lemon and a pinch of cinnamon
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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2025 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From 11/02/2025
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