Dilmah Rose and French Vanilla Sherry Cobbler
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Simon Toohey
- Sub Category Name
- Recipe Source Name
Dilmah recipes
- Festivities Name
Chinese New Year Festival
Teas Used
- 1 Wedge Lemon
- 1 Wedge Orange
- 1 Tea Bag Dilmah Rose and French Vanilla
- 2 tsp Raw Sugar
- 60 ml Sherry
Methods and Directions
- Place the lemon, orange, sugar into a cocktail tin. Cut open the tea bag and place that in the tin as well. Muddle these ingredients together with a rolling pin or any implement that will allow you to crush and mix the ingredients together. Add the sherry to the mix and cubed ice to the tin and shake well.
- Place more cubed ice in a tea towel and fold the towel over. Using the same muddling stick, hit the cubed ice until it is crushed ice (just smaller pieces will do). Place these in a glass. With a strainer, strain the liquid from the solids into your iced glass. Top with more ice and garnish with a slice of orange and a wedge of lemon and some rose petals.
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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2025 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From teainspired.com/dilmah-recipes 11/02/2025
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